Smart Aid
Disaster Aid Australia, Chair Howard Bradfield, email:
Disaster Aid UK and Ireland, Chair Robert Strachan, email:
Disaster Aid USA, Chair Wayne Beaumier, email:
Disaster Aid Canada, Chair Frank Elsom, email:
Disaster Aid Malaysia, Chair Nelson Loong, email:
Disaster Aid Europe (Czech Republic), Chair Irena Brichta, email:
Disaster Aid Brazil, Chair Enio Bellé, email:
Disaster Aid Uruguay, Chair Mariana Rezk, email:
Disaster Aid India, Chair Dharmendra Gangrade, email:
Disaster Aid New Zealand, Chair Nick Hurley, email:
Smart Aid is a Methodology:
The concept behind Smart Aid is involving local partners and the community to ensure that the aid provided:
- Meets their requirements.
- Involves them in working with us as 'Partners'.
- Gives them 'Ownership' of the outcome.
The community becomes 'A Resource Not Victims'
The primary roles of our, on site, Disaster Aid Response Team (DART) are:
- Identification of need;
- Distribution of funds on needed resources;
- Project management;
Our Smart Aid focus areas are:
High Profile Disaster Response
We liaise with well connected local Rotarians and other local organisations to find out what is needed by those affected.
Then using our resources and contacts we aim to meet as much of the needs using local sources.
This approach:
- Maximizes our financial impact by minimizing costs of waste, storage and shipping of materials.
- Speeds the rate that resources can be delivered.
- Helps the local economy to recover
Disaster Preparedness Training
Helping the local communities to become more resilient by facilitating training of:
- Government and Non Government Bodies
- Community Groups
- Rotary Clubs
Safe Drinking Water
In reponding to disasters we can provide Sawyer Water Filters to individual families, and portable SkyHydrant™water filter units to larger communities