Disaster Aid Regional Collaborative
Sponsor Organization: Disaster Aid Canada. Partner Organization: Disaster Aid USA
Membership is for:
Rotary Clubs and Districts from Canada to Panama.
Non profit organizations and funders working in North and Central America.
Educational institutions interested in best practices and creating a knowledge base.
To convene events and workshops that build relationships and create partnerships.
To share experience, knowledge and skills.
To provide a platform to showcase existing projects and create, fund and implement new ones.
To build a knowledge base of projects, participants, leadership, outcomes and best practices.
To work together to find common ways of measuring project success and problems.
To combine the strengths of the participants to create meaningful and sustainable change.
To learn more about our commitment to Central America Read More Here
Utilize the existing experience, networks, skills and resources to establish Disaster Aid partners in Central American Countries.
Build partnerships with Rotary Clubs and Districts to respond to emergencies in their own regions and to work together with Disaster Aid to rebuild communities.
Partner with non-profit and educational organizations to support the building of community capacity through education and training programs.

Starting July 1, 2021
Rotary Clubs: $100.00 US $130 Cdn
Organizations larger than 100 members or employees: $200 US or $260 Cdn

Creating Opportunities for Returning Migrant Youth in Comayagua, Honduras
Shadia Garcia Hilsaca, Rotary Club of Tegucigalpa Sur.

It will organize a series of seminars and events on international development, and promote selected seminars and events on this topic organized by Rotary clubs or districts.
It will curate knowledge on international development on its website, including in the areas of focus of the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, but also more broadly.
It will maintain a quarterly newsletter with news on key events and reports released by UN and other international organizations, and a series of knowledge notes written by some of its members that have undergone peer review.
To become a member, please fill a small form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H2L67RT

The trailer will also serve as a mobile base of operations. Each zone trailer will contain items tailored to that zone depending on the disasters that normally occur in that zone.
2 chain saws, 1 Pole saw, 1 Small sledge hammer, 1 Large sledge hammer, 1 Large wedge, 1 Log jack, 2 Rakes, 1 Axe, 1 Bush Axe, 1 HD Wheelbarrow, 2 Sets Safety Gear, Chaps, Hard hat/face shield, 1 Large & 2 small first aid kits, 2.5-gallon gas cans & 5-gallon gas cans, 20 Family water filters, 1 Large building water filter, 150-gal. HD duty food bladder, 30-gal. food grade bladders, 10 Tarps, 12 Pairs of work gloves, 4 Foldable army cots, 2500 to 5000 watt Generators, Fans Folding canopy, 6-foot Plastic folding table, 48-quart Ice chest, 100 quart Ice chest, computer printer, 50-foot Extension cords, Surge protected power strips, 2-burner multi fuel stove, 5 -Day food supply for 4-men